Russian preamble in the Bulgarian Law on religious denominations

The Bulgarian Law on Religious Denominations from 2002 (Закон за вероизповеданията) contains a preamble text, which is a copy of the literal translation from its Russian analogue (Закон о свободе совести и о религиозных объединениях). This manoeuvre has been co-laborated during a secret compromise proposed by Lyutvi Mestan (agent of State Security under the name Paul* since 1979) after pressure by the Muslim religious communitiy in Bulgaria. It insisted that not only the Bulgarian Orthodox Church should receive the status of religious denomination, registered automatically by the same law (ex lege). At that time this status was very important for solving the problem with the division of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in favor of the one of church-parties (acknowledged as the canonical one at 1998 of Pan-orthodox Council). In an Internet discussion, between the Bulgarian philosopher Mr. Angel Grancharov and the author of this law - Borislav Tsekov, was obviously clarified that the latter had known very well the origin of the text proposed by Lyutvi Mestan. However, both of them did not publicly announce this fact. This curious problematic issue represents at least a violation of Art 26 of Act of Normative Regulations that requires compliance with clarity and transparency in the preparation of such legal projects. Furthermore, the mentioned Russian law has been strongly criticized in Strasbourg and Bulgaria had to adopt European rather than Russian laws even still before 2002.

* Реш.№14/04.09.2007 г. на Комисия за разкриване…, с. 47-48

Comparison of the texts:

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